Proxy szerver beállítása

Ubuntu 18.04.2

Ubuntu Terminal Proxy Settings

Like every Linux distribution, proxy settings can be set using environment variables. There are a number of variables available to use, ranging from HTTP traffic to FTP traffic.

Proxy settings can be either persistent by setting them in your profile, or non-persistent by setting them from the shell session.

http_proxyProxy server for HTTP Traffic.
https_proxyProxy server for HTTPS traffic
ftp_proxyProxy server for FTP traffic
no_proxyPatterns for IP addresses or domain names that shouldn’t use the proxy

The value for every proxy setting, except for no_proxy, uses the same template. They all require a hostname, but you may optionally specify a proxy server port and your user credentials if required to do so. For example:

Single User Temporary Proxy Settings

You may not always want to force Internet traffic through a proxy.  Sometimes you need to override existing settings, and you can do this safely by setting the proxy environment variables from the command line.

The following will set a proxy for HTTP and HTTPS, while preventing local traffic from going through the proxy. Our example proxy server endpoint is my.proxy.server:8080 for HTTP traffic and my.proxy.server:8081 for HTTPS.

  1. Open a Terminal window where you need proxy access.
  2. Set and export the HTTP_PROXY variable.
  3. Set and export the HTTPS_PROXY variable.
  4. Set and export the NO_PROXY variable to prevent local traffic from being sent to the proxy.


Single User Persistent Proxy Settings

  1. Open your bash profile file into a text editor.
  2. Add the following lines, modifying them to match your environment.
  3. Save your settings.
  4. The proxy settings will be applied the next time you start a session, by logging into the server or opening a new Terminal window from a Desktop.
  5. To force apply your new proxy settings in the current Terminal session, execute the source command against your bash profile.


All Users

You will need administrative rights to perform this task. All versions of Ubuntu and Debian have a file called /etc/environment. Within this file, we can set global variables and other such things.

Similar to how you set proxy settings for your own local proxy, we’ll be adding the environment variables to this file. The variables will be set when a new user session is created, which is to say when you log in next.

  1. Using an administrator account, open /etc/environment into a text editor.
  2. Add the following lines, modifying them to fit your environment. Username and password may be omitted, if not required.

    For example, if you do not need to enter a username or password, and your proxy server is at port 8080, and you do not want local traffic going through the proxy, you would enter the following:

  3. Save your changes and exit the text editor.